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Lower Back Exercises - Flexibility

Pelvic Tilt

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Push the small of your back into the floor by tightening your buttocks and pulling in your stomach.

  • Hold for 5 seconds and relax

Cat – Camel

  • Kneel on all fours with feet pointing backwards and hands pointing forwards.

  • Slowly push your back from the straight position upwards into an arched position, hold for 3 seconds

  • Slowly return to straight and continue to arch into a downwards position, hold for 3 seconds

  • Repeat all 5 times

Hip Twist

  • Lie on the floor with both legs bent and arms by your side.

  • Slowly let both legs drop to the left until restriction or the floor is felt and hold for 5 seconds

  • Repeat on the other side

Lateral Stretch

  • Stand with your arms by your side and feet shoulder width apart

  • Slowly slide your right hand down along the side of your right leg, leaning to the right until restriction is felt and hold for 5 seconds

  • Return slowly to starting position and repeat for left side

 Knee To Chest

  • Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent at 45 degrees and feet flat

  • Grab your left leg and hold with both hands under the knee, interlocking fingers

  • Slowly pull your knee to your chest until restriction is felt and hold for 5 seconds

  • Repeat on right side

  • Repeat both sides 5 times

Spinal Roll

  • Sit upright with both legs bent and held to chest with both arms

  • Slowly roll backwards until your shoulders touch the floor, then roll back up to starting position

Lotus Stretch

  • Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched in a “V” position. Bend your knees so that you can bring the soles of your feet together

  • Holding your feet together, bend slightly forward and slowly push your legs to the ground with your elbows until restriction is felt

  • Hold for 5 seconds and return to upright position. Repeat 5 times

Lower Back Exercises - Strengthening and Stabilizing

Back Bridge

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor

  • Keep your shoulders and head relaxed on the floor

  • Tighten your abdominals and gluteal muscles, then raise your hips to form a straight (diagonal) line from your knees to your shoulders

  • Hold for 10 seconds and return to starting position

  • Repeat 5 times – gradually increasing day by day until you reach 30

Leg Lift

  • Lie on the floor on your left side with your left arm bent under your head to support. Right arm balances your body in front of your chest

  • Making sure that your body and legs are kept straight, slowly raise your right leg in a scissor action about 30cm above your left leg. Hold for 5 seconds

  • Relax and return to starting position, repeat 5 times

  • Repeat all steps on right side



  • Extend your arms on the ground in front of your body keeping your forehead down in contact with the ground.

  • Raise one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously so they both just lift off the ground surface, hold for 3 seconds and lower both limbs back to the ground, repeating up to 10 times

  • Repeat this action using the other arm and leg.


  • Kneel on all fours with your feet facing backwards and hands facing forwards. Keeping your back straight

  • Bend your head towards the floor while bringing your your left leg up to touch your knee to your chin

  • Extend the leg straight out until it is level with your back but not higher while raising your head, Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times

  • Repeat all steps on the other leg


  • Kneel on all fours with your feet facing backwards and hands facing forwards. Keeping your back straight and head facing downwards – should be able to draw a straight flat line from head to buttocks

  • Extend your left arm in front of your body at the same time as your right leg both touching the ground.

  • Slowly raise your opposite arm and leg simultaneously to trunk height (no higher), Hold for 5 seconds.

  • Lower both limbs back to touch the ground before repeating up to 10 times

Upper Spine Exercises

Overhead Stretch

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart

  • Interlock fingers in front of your body and raise above head with palms facing up

  • Push back and up, feel stretch in upper spine and shoulders

  • Hold for 10 seconds, then relax arms by side

Overhead Reach

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart

  • Raise both arms overhead with palms facing forward

  • Reach for ceiling with right arm, hold for 5 seconds and repeat with left

  • Should feel a stretch from shoulders to waist, relax arms down by your side

Cervical Stretch

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart

  • Lower chin to chest or until restriction is felt and hold for 5 seconds

  • Return head to center and turn to left and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat for right

Lateral Rotation

  • Place your left hand on your right shoulder and rotate head to left until restriction is felt.

  • Hold for 5 seconds and repeat on other side

©2020 by 360 Recovery Centre.

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